Comments ( 3 )

  • Declan Rothwell

    Beautiful! Well done MO and Alan and all. Brings back great memories of the big man. His Work continues…

  • Masterton Loraine

    It was so lovely to see his smiling face. And I never knew him without a beard. I recognise those hands, he taught my B1, and it was a lesson all of itself to receive his hands-on corrections. This film moved me in sentiments and I’m very grateful for it being put together. Thank you all; yes as Declan says the work continues. (PS I find it personally amusing that Tam, himself of Irish extraction which is visible on his face, and Patrick – whose people were from the Isle of Man… 2 Gaels as senior students of the Professor. )

  • Vicki Shackford

    Oh my gosh, that was wonderful to watch and remember. and agree with DeClan – His work continues- amazing growth …

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